Because moving can be stressful, RE/MAX has compiled a list of tips you can follow to make sure everyone stays cheerful on this day.
1- Make Sure You Call in Good Samaritans
A few kind friends and family members have sworn they would come give you a hand. But on D-day, almost no one shows up and you are short-handed! Confirming your good Samaritans’ presences the night before may help avoid major frustrations.

Ten Tips for a Mishap-Free Move
2- Lighter Grocery Bag = Fewer Worries
People tend to move in the summer. If it is a particularly hot day and you have to drive a long way to reach your destination, the food that has to be kept cold may end up on the hot seat! Unless, of course, there is enough room in the cooler. In the days preceding moving day, it is best to reduce your weekly grocery purchases. Take advantage of this opportunity to polish off leftovers!
3- Plan Appropriate Clothing for the Weather
Heat wave? Rain? Snow Storm? Tornado? Having the right outfit for maximum comfort is indispensable. Sometimes, this also means having a change of clothes in case you get soaked. Don’t forget a hat or cap to protect your head from the sun as well as closed-toe non-slip shoes to avoid falls and crushed toes!
4- Plan Your Route to Avoid Traffic
To stay Zen on the day of the move, you must avoid traffic! Try to travel outside of morning and evening rush hour and check if there is any construction taking place on the streets to where you are going. This way you can adapt your plans and keep smiling!
5- Have Someone Look After Your Kids and Pets
Keeping an eye on your kids and pets while already having your hands full can be chaotic. What if you could call upon a fairy godmother to take care of them (and who wouldn’t prefer playing nanny instead of lifting boxes!)?
6- A Full Cooler for Empty Bellies
The morning of, why not pack a cooler with everything that hungry or thirsty volunteers need that they can easily serve themselves from? Include sandwiches, bottles of water, drinkable yogurts and other types of snacks that will satisfy all your helpers. Psst! Don’t forget the utensils and napkins.

The morning of, why not pack a cooler with everything that hungry or thirsty volunteers need that they can easily serve themselves from?
7- The Overhaul: What to Throw Away, What to Keep, What to Give and What to Sell
A move is a new beginning. Why not use this opportunity to go through your belongings? Several days beforehand, sort your things into three piles: keep, throw out, give or sell. Into the garbage or boxes they go! Ideally, you should sell or give away what is in those piles before moving so that you will have more room in the truck!
8- Be Organized and Plan Ahead
An apartment or a home holds so many things that are rarely used and that can be packed days (even weeks!) in advance of moving day. For example, shelf-stable food, books, out of season clothes and dishes (only keep the place settings that are used by the family). Likewise, don’t wait for the night before to disassemble furniture!
9- Have the Right Tools
Hand truck, gloves, tie down straps and blankets to protect the furniture: equip yourself! After all, moving a refrigerator or a dryer is complicated enough as it is. Having the right tools on hand will prevent damage and injuries, and, most importantly, will make your life easier.

Hand truck, gloves, tie down straps and blankets to protect the furniture: equip yourself!
10- Pack Smart
Place similar items or those that go in a same room in a same box, wrap delicate items with fabric or newspaper and pack items tightly to maximize space. Be particularly sure to clearly identify each box so you know what it contains or that it is fragile. To avoid having a box open at an inopportune moment, use quality packing tape. It is also best to wrap potentially messy items in plastic bags (paint can, dish soap bottle, baby oil bottle).
There you are, all ready! RE/MAX wishes you a successful and stress-free move!!